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First, let me commend you on another well delivered post. This is one that of course you know we both feel passionately. And unfortunately, I have to say I do find this post to be quite a dangerous one were it to be out in the mainstream. At the very minimal, I think the socially concerned thing to do is to put a concluding paragraph that states that you are in no way suggesting that people with serious medical mental illnesses should stop taking their medications includinding those with “major depressive disorder” which you addressed. I don’t believe you would want someone trying to rewire a chemical imbalance and meanwhile commit suicide or become increasingly violent and then have them to have YOU to thank for it. There is evidence of brain plasticity for a lot of things. Yes! Yay! For example, stroke victims. I’m very hopeful about this in particular. But when it comes to these well-known major illnesses of the brain chemistry like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and major depression even anxiety disorders and phobias there just isn’t near enough science there yet to support these people trying to take them off their regimens and applying the ideas you are addressing to themselves. I believe that would be a potentially hurtful to sometimes very dangerous thing to do. I say help keep the schizophrenics on their meds please. You will like the Dart better. I promise :) If the message isn’t stop your meds and try this way then I don’t think the message came through clear for me then .

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